Tiny Home Minimalism: How-To Declutter, Downsize, and Stay Organized in a Tiny House

So you want to buy a tiny home! That’s so exciting, and our team at Mint Tiny House Company can’t wait to help you choose the best tiny home design.

But unless you’ve previously been living #Vanlife, buying a tiny house will probably require downsizing.

Does the idea of downsizing to live in a smaller space make you nervous? If so, please grab a cup of coffee and settle in to read today’s tiny home blog post. We’re about to have an important chat about minimalism, decluttering, and how to downsize for tiny home living.

Are you ready?!

How to Downsize for Tiny Home Living

When you picture living in a tiny house, you probably picture a saturated life filled with your very favorite things. But before you buy a tiny house and convert to small-space living, you’ll want to dig into the details. This is why step one of buying a tiny home is to identify what you value

Define Your Tiny House Lifestyle

Most people have baking pans, sports equipment, craft supplies, pet gear, and boxes upon boxes of family mementos.

One can get away with this in a regular-sized house, but we all know how the story goes. Eventually, the things we own start to own us. And soon, we’re sitting on the couch surrounded by clutter and drinking wine… again.

Fortunately, this is where a tiny house will step in to help you live in alignment with your vision! And it all happens by tackling one space at a time.

Declutter and Organize Your Space

Decluttering a traditional home can feel overwhelming. That’s why it’s best to prepare for tiny house living, by tackling your regular-sized home one space at a time.

Maybe you start by organizing the bathroom, the bedroom, or another space that feels messy,
but manageable. And if these rooms still feel like too much to tackle at once, it’s totally OK to declutter on an even smaller scale. Just organizing a closet or the space under the bathroom sink will help set you on the path to minimalism.

Notice Your Tiny Home Necessities

As you declutter and downsize, you’ll want to make mental notes of what you can live without.

For example, do you have a favorite pot in the kitchen? Or a special blanket in the living room?

Living in a tiny home is all about enjoying your best life, so be sure to notice what things bring the most joy. Tiny homes always have room for what we love most!

Get a Tiny Home Storage Unit

Humans can be incredibly sentimental creatures, which can make downsizing to live in a tiny house difficult. Especially if you have to downsize quickly!

That’s why we want to get one thing perfectly clear: you are allowed to have a tiny house storage shed. In fact, you can even go rent a commercial storage unit if it gives you peace of mind!

A tiny house storage shed will allow you to declutter at your own pace. Or it will give you a place to store the extra stuff! This is your tiny home journey, and there is no “right” way to get or stay organized.

Living in a Tiny House

Downsizing is the first part of the equation, but what happens after you buy a tiny house? How do you develop minimalism habits to keep clutter in check and your tiny home clean?

Remember Your Tiny House Lifestyle Values

Remember how we suggested you write down what you value most? Well, that tip isn’t just for downsizing! That list is also a tool to help you stay true to your tiny house lifestyle!

Your list of tiny home values will keep your eyes trained on what you find most important. It will also help you practice gratitude for what you have instead of desire for what you don’t.

Give Items in Your Tiny House a Home

When you live in a small space, there are only so many places to put things. That’s why it’s a good idea to give each item in your tiny house a “home.”

Oh, and once an item has a home, you’ll want to get good about putting it back there! For example, if the TV remote lives on the lower left hand side of your coffee table, there is only one appropriate place to set it down. This practice can feel intense at first, but soon you won’t even think about it.

Set Expectations With Gift Giving in a Tiny Home

When you buy a tiny house, you will want to have a little chat with your friends and family on the topic of gift-giving.

It’s not that you can’t receive gifts in a tiny home; it’s just that receiving gifts must be done carefully.

Many tiny home owners appreciate consumable gifts or ones that involve having an experience instead of receiving an item. Oh, and be careful of encouraging “gifts that are small.” We are tiny house experts; trust us, that one can easily get out of hand!

Staying Organized in a Tiny House

Even if you practice everything we’ve mentioned thus far, you will still have to regularly declutter your tiny home. So here are a few tips to help you make this a regular practice, instead of an annual task.

Have a Tiny House Give-Away Bin

If you pick up an object in your tiny house and think “Do I really need this thing?” It’s probably time to let it go.

Having a designated giveaway bin will keep the decluttering process easy. And when your tiny house giveaway bin is full, you can drop the contents off at your local donation center.

Tiny House Pro Tip: You can save space by keeping your tiny house giveaway bin in the trunk of your car!

Make Tiny Home Cleaning Fun

Living in a tiny house is all about having fun. So it makes sense that cleaning a tiny house should be fun too!

Cleaning a tiny house will become downright enjoyable if you lean into the process. So open windows, fill a diffuser with your favorite essential oils, and crank up the tunes.

We promise you’ll have so much fun, you’ll wish cleaning a tiny house took longer!

Choosing the Best Tiny Home for Mindful Living

Now that you’ve studied up on your minimalism, decluttering, and organizing habits, you need a tiny house!

The secret to choosing the best tiny home floor plan is to keep your list of tiny home values
close by. And be sure to use the link below to set up your free tiny home consultation! That way our experts can help you weigh the tough decisions.

Oh, and you should probably book sooner rather than later.

Why is that?

Because no one downsizes faster than a new tiny home owner with a tiny house on the way! 😉

Thanks for reading our tiny house blog, and we can’t wait to meet you!

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