Women and Tiny Homes

Historically, women have had some disadvantages.

Wait- let’s take that again.

Historically, women have had some disadvantages.

It still doesn’t seem loud enough, does it?

We can’t undo centuries of inequality in a single sentence (or tiny house blog post!), but our team at Mint comes to you today with good news:

Every day we see women use tiny homes to take back their power.

If you are reading this post from your Mint tiny house, please know that your stories and successes keep our team going. By embarking on a tiny home journey, you are paving the way for others. The world is watching, and we see you.

And if you are reading this blog because you’re considering a tiny home journey, stay with us because we’re going to share a few of the ways our female clients have reported feeling empowered by their tiny homes!

Tiny homes provide a sense of safety.

A sense of safety should be standard in any size of home- full stop. Unfortunately, the reality is that women who live alone report feeling less safe than men or women who live with a partner. Our research showed a range of statistics, but somewhere between 25-30% of women feel uneasy in a solo setup.

Even those who live alone tell us they feel more secure in their tiny homes than they did when living in a larger living area!

For some, this sense of safety comes from sleeping up high in a loft bedroom rather than on the ground floor. Others report that because they can see the entire house at one time, they don’t worry about an intruder hiding somewhere in the home. And some tell us that their sense of safety has less to do with intruders and more to do with other kinds of assurance, like an increased ability to be self-sufficient, for example.

Want to become more self-sufficient? Consider a tiny home!

We think this picture of Mint tiny home owner Alaska Wagoner (The Tiny House Concierge) says it all ➡️

But here it is in her words:

Tasks that felt overwhelming in a traditional house feel possible in a tiny home. The projects are bite-sized, so I don’t hesitate to get out my tools and teach myself new things. The Tiny House of Peace has made me about a billion times more capable, and I couldn’t be more grateful.

We’re not crying; you’re crying. And it just keeps getting better. Women also tell us that their tiny homes have given them peace of mind in another way- the kind that comes from locational freedom.

Tiny houses offer locational freedom.

If you’ve ever needed to leave a relationship or a job that wasn’t serving you, you know how difficult extraction can be. But while those situations can be messy, tiny home owners have peace of mind knowing that their homes can be relocated.

The ability to leave the past behind in a physical sense is a great tiny home benefit, but it isn’t the only benefit of locational freedom! Tiny homes also provide an incredible opportunity for tiny home dwellers to say yes to new opportunities.

So have you been offered a job in a new state? Or would you like to live closer to your sister after she has her baby? Maybe you have aging parents you’d like to spend more time with or would like to enjoy a snowbird lifestyle. Your reasons will be personal to you, of course, but a tiny house could offer the locational flexibility you’ve been looking for.

And are you ready for the cherry on top? When you live in a tiny house, moving is way easier! Just strap everything down, tape the drawers shut, and go! No packing or moving boxes required.

Tiny houses make solo homeownership more feasible.

In today’s market, qualifying for a traditional home mortgage often takes more than one income. But even single people who qualify for traditional mortgages may not want to take on the debt load! (And we think that’s more than reasonable!) After all, you are the one who must live with your financial decisions, so we hope you can find an option that allows you to sleep peacefully at night!

If you are currently flying solo and want to be a homeowner, a tiny house could be the perfect way to own your roof at a fraction of the cost and with a fraction of the responsibility. How awesome is that?!

Here at Mint, we are so inspired by the number of women taking charge of their lives by becoming tiny home owners. For some, it’s their first time owning a home, and for others, it’s their next time. Either way, they usually agree that it’s their best time! 😉

OK, we could talk about tiny homes for eternity, but we imagine you’re eager to choose your tiny home layout, so you can put your plans into action! So let’s talk about your next steps.

If you’re still finalizing your tiny house design, here is a link to our gallery. There you can browse our tried-and-true tiny home plans and choose the layout that will work best for you. Our Napa Edition is always a classic, but if you love tiny houses with downstairs bedrooms, our Canada Goose Edition is another popular choice!

Before we go, we just want to say that while the title of today’s post is Women and Tiny Homes, we love all humans here at Mint. So however you identify, know that we care and can’t wait to hear your story! So when you’re ready, you can set up a consultation here.

Thanks for reading, and be sure to subscribe before you go. We’ll be back next week with more inspirational and informative tiny home content written especially for you!

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