How to Choose the Best Tiny House Floor Plan Your Guide to Living Without Regret

If you’ve ever taken a peek at our gallery, you know we have a ton of tiny house designs. And thanks to the many upgrade options we offer, you can put your stamp on things to create your dream kitchen, bathroom, and, well, dream tiny house!

But how do you decide which tiny house floor plan is right for you? 

If you’ve been scratching tiny house ideas on the backs of napkins for years, today’s post will help you finalize your decisions. 

We will help you take your tiny house design ideas and think through our tiny home floor plans like a tiny home dweller.

Then you can choose the best tiny house for you and your family!

Are you ready? Here are five things to remember when looking for the best tiny home layout and design!

Your Tiny House Lifestyle Values

Have you ever wished for a simple life without all the clutter? If so, the tiny house lifestyle is for you! But before you buy a tiny house, you’ll want to identify what you value most.

Do you have a kayak, a cornhole set, camping gear, an extensive makeup collection, a large amount of scrapbooking supplies, a growing cake-decorating set, some woodworking tools, and a juicer, but rarely use any of it?

If that sounds like you, don’t feel guilty! In fact, feel relieved because the tiny house lifestyle could offer you the simplicity you’ve been looking for; if you’re willing to make choices, that is.

Fortunately, any of our tiny house designs can incorporate whatever you value. Yes, even if your “must have” is something large like a drum set or an extensive costume collection!

How a Tiny House Floor Plan Will Affect Your Senses

This will sound strange, but when choosing a tiny house design, it’s a good idea to consider your choices through the lens of your five senses. 

What are you going to see, hear, taste, touch, and smell over the course of a day? And how will your tiny house layout and design choices affect what you pick up with your senses? 

Will someone be sleeping while someone else uses a loud blender in the morning? Because maybe a tiny house with a downstairs bedroom and a closed door would be a game changer. 

You’ll want to think about the view from the couch, the lighting in your home, the temperatures of different seasons, and your privacy needs.

Tiny house design elements like skylights offer incredible natural light, whereas operable windows (windows that open) can provide a comfortable breeze and relief from cooking smells. 

There are no right or wrong answers here, but since senses are heightened in a tiny home, they are essential to consider!

Tiny House Storage

Did you decide to buy a tiny house in part to escape consumerism? If so, you’ll want to pay close attention to your thoughts on tiny house storage when choosing a tiny home floor plan. 

Many people forget their tiny house lifestyle goals when comparing tiny house floor plans and begin shopping with only storage in mind. And why? So they’ll have a place to store the set of five frying pans they never use!

But remember tip number one? It’s important to identify your tiny house values first. 

Buying a smaller house only helps reduce chaos if you commit to living a simpler life. 

And trust us, stuffing a traditionally-sized life into a small space is a recipe for disaster!

Of course, you will need some tiny house storage, but when searching for the best tiny house designs to suit your family, you’ll want to remember your reasons for buying a tiny house in the first place!

Tiny House Upgrades and Appliances

Many people get carried away when looking at tiny home designs. Of course, it would be great to say yes to every upgrade, but in order to stick to your budget, you’ll probably have to make a few tiny house decisions.

Some of these decisions could be necessary (like choosing a waterless composting toilet, for instance), but others will depend on where you place value. 

Are you a weekend warrior chef? Then you may want to consider a tiny home dishwasher. Love watching sports on TV? Then you’ll need a satellite TV outlet!

Whatever you choose, we recommend splurging for at least one wow-factor upgrade that will make you feel like you are living your dream. After all, this lifestyle is not just about surviving; it’s about thriving!

So What is the Best Tiny House Layout?

Well, of course, that will depend on you, but if you want to buy a tiny house with a covered porch, our new Onyx model could be the perfect fit! 

Do you want a classic tiny house with a loft bedroom, a simple kitchen, and a show-stopping set of French doors? In that case, our Napa is hard to beat! 

Love tiny houses but need a tiny house with a downstairs bedroom? Or at least a bedroom you can stand up in? Our Canada Goose Edition tiny homes offer full-height bedrooms accessible with just a few stairs. We have six tiny home designs in this series, so check out their individual features in our gallery!

Once you’ve narrowed your list of tiny house floor plans, it will be time to fill out our discovery form. And we hope you do so soon because don’t you deserve simplicity now? 

Thanks for reading, and we can’t wait to hear which tiny home layout you choose!

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